Wednesday, July 25, 2018

On the Long Wait

I wait for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning- more than watchmen for the morning.
Psalm 130:6

It is such a normal part of our lives.

I think the first thing I remember waiting for was Christmas.

Then waiting to be able to finally go to school
with all the other big kids.

Waiting for what seemed like eternity for the class to finally end.

Waiting for his phone call.

Waiting for him to pop the question.

Waiting for the longest 9 months I'd ever known.

Waiting for him to get back home to us.

Waiting through a long hard night for a new day
and new mercies!

Waiting for test results

Waiting for treatment to start...
and for it to finally end.

Waiting for a cure.

Waiting for Heaven.

This week I will reach a goal I have long waited for.


This week will be 5 years since I was diagnosed with Cancer


As I prepared to write this blog, the words did not come together the way I wanted.
I started in one direction and stopped.
Started in another direction and stopped again...
What I was aiming for was perfection.

...well aware that nobody is perfect.
... even more aware that I am not perfect!

I know that.

Just the same, I wanted a perfect post.


Sometimes I think we think that perfect is a thing...
A perfect blog.
A perfect day.
Perfect friends.
Perfect stuff.

We ignore the ordinary and focus on some distant "perfect"

Then we turn around and suddenly there is no option but to wait.

If the waiting is long and the answers slow in appearing, 
or maybe the answers we hope for don't appear at all, 
the temptation is to lose hope.

To mourn the loss of the expected perfect.

To think that our waiting has been in vain.

The perfection we long for is not a thing. 
Not even a good thing.

 He is a Person. 

Our waiting is never wasted if our waiting is on Him.

It may not be easy waiting.

But remember who your hope is in.
The One who knows our whole story
 the One who writes our whole story.
The only One who does all things perfectly.

So keep looking for reasons to Hope.
Keep waiting.

He is working even now on our perfect ending.
To be with Him always.


Psalm 39:7
Now, Lord, what do I wait for?  My hope is in You.

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